Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Blue Necklace Design Tray

This free form design tray for young children, although I love doing it as well, is highlighted by a simple necklace and bobbles of another necklace I took apart. The wooden cylinders, thread bobbins and discs were all found in a 25 cent bag at an estate sale. 

It may be a mystery to Montessori teachers who may visit this site. Why am I doing this? 
I must not be a real Montessori teacher. I have nerve to use my own ideas. I am creative and it makes me very satisfied to put these loose parts, a Reggio term, together. I love creating all types of curriculum for children. The children show me if it works or not. It always does. I am not afraid to walk out of the lines that define Maria. I am a real Montessori teacher who has original ideas that pour out of me. And I use them. My teacher, Celma Perry of Chicago, required us to make a huge amount of materials. Of course they were all traditional presentations. 
After doing those for more than 30 years I needed more. 
I needed these. 
They are for the artist in me and in the children.

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