
Monday, August 1, 2011

Show Me the Art!

When parents visit a preschool that advertises itself as an art active environment I ask parents to demand,"Show me the art!" 
A school should have their art on display for all to admire each day. Here are the permanent displays that one can witness at my school. Of course, paper projects come and go.

This is all student work.

How is that for kindergarten work?

An ode to Montessori with Italian Montessori lira.

Clay owl in the wreath.

Basement window.

Plate ledge of our old house filled with art.

The clay peg board alphabet letters were made by me.

These last plates were done as a cooperative project between myself and the kids. Kids and parents watched me throw on the potter's wheel. I threw plates and bowls. Later, the kids made hand-prints or attached clay letters or animals to my thrown pieces! 

So, Parents!
Ask, "Show me the art!"

See our art on this video!


  1. These look so amazing! My daughter will love to try it. Glad I found your blog and thanks for sharing. Take care,

  2. Love to see this! Thanks for all you do for the kiddos.

  3. Wow! You have so much art on display. Looks beautiful! I'll have to stop by again soon to check out what you're up to.

  4. Thanks, Toddler Mom! I love your busy, creative blog!

  5. The 'One Lovely Blog Award' is waiting for you at Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful ideas. I find them very ispiring. Sasha

  6. Sasha, That is so kind of you to think of me!! I am so happy!
    I will follow the rules and pass the happiness on!
