
Friday, July 8, 2011

Native American Object Trays for Cultural Studies

The first tray is well used and full of interesting Native American dolls.
Being a Montessori teacher means searching garage and estate sales and the Salvation Army for that one cast off item that would be perfect in your cultural studies or geography shelves. 
Over the years they add up to a pretty nice collection and for pennies, too.

These trays teach vocabulary, culture, science and design.
Each object makes for interesting conversation at line time.


  1. I found your blog through Education 2.0. I watched your canoe tutorial.
    I like the way you design your unit on Native Americans.

  2. It's fun to read that someone else is trolling thrift shops for cultural work :)

  3. Your Native American unit is fabulous, Carolyn! I featured your unit and your Native American object tray photo in my Native American Unit Study post today at
