
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Paper Thunder-birds and Paper Indian Dolls

Folded Paper Thunder-birds 

These paper Thunder-bird eagles are cut from a folded paper like you would a paper heart.
Draw half of the bird at the fold and cut so when you unfold it you have the full bird.

This gives you a positive and negative of the same images. Use both papers.

The birds can be simple or complex.

The positives are just as beautiful as the negatives.

They are beautiful even plain and could be hung like banners.

Kids decorate with yellow squares and zig zags.

Indian Paper Doll

These simple shapes create a cute paper doll that the children love.
Cut a fringe on the blanket edges.

Great Video!


  1. I love your paper dolls.. Very creative and I will have to copy you when we study America in our classroom. Thanks for sharing.

  2. The Thunder-birds are stunning! What a great art project! We lived in South Dakota when my kids were little, and we loved doing unit studies on Native Americans ... this would be perfect for that! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday! I just featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page at

  3. Thank you, Deb! I was so hoping someone would enjoy and use these!

  4. Love how simple they are - easy to reproduce! Thanks for linking up to It's Playtime.

  5. Just pinned the Thunder-Birds project to my birds Pinterest board:


  6. Thanks, Beth! Suddenly this pinterest thing is big and so I am trying to figure it all out. I love your birds pinterest!!

  7. Interesting blog and i really enjoyed to visit this blog, so i would like to thank for creating this blog

  8. Thank you for finding me so very far away! My best to you and your children.
