
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Handmade Reading Cards with Paper

Handmade reading cards with labels and useful paper.

Pictures and words cut from a workbook.

I got an X-ray at school today!

Our show and tell letter "X" became a lesson on bones.
On black paper trace the child's arm and hand with a white crayon.
Use Q-tips on Elmer's glue for the bones. 
The parents loved it!
Also, great writing for kids not yet in kindergarten!

My 100th Post!!

Cute Becomes Lesson

How to make cute objects into a lesson. 

I have many cigar box works that hold small objects that go to 
doll houses that one can buy cheaply at a toy store.
I have boxes for a kitchen set, dining furniture, bedroom set, 
ice cream parlor set, etc. 
I turn them into a reading work by adding labels which the students can write as a list or turn it into a drawing lesson by adding my simply drawn master for the kids to copy.

These works are so popular that I bring them out only for the reading children so that they do not cause an uproar with all the children who want to play with the interesting things.
These objects really give reading, writing and drawing a fun and special twist.